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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hydration first thing in the morning

I talk a lot about the importance of staying hydrated with clients.  Now don’t stop reading and say  “yeah, yeah, water is important I know this stuff.” Actually take the time to read this almost everyone these days are chronically dehydrated and are suffering because of it without even realizing it. 

To learn about all the issues that can come with being chronically dehydtrated take a look at this article on our website http://www.peak-personaltraining.com/article-hydration.html.  Today I’m just going to talk to you about something you can do to stay hydrated and keep your energy high in the morning without needing caffeine. 

It has to do with drinking water within the first 20 minutes you’re awake.  After sleeping all night your body is very dehydrated, often times this is why a lot of people feel stiff or like they have some aching muscles.  Start trying to drink 750ml-1 liter within the first 20 minutes your’e awake, before you eat any food.  I know this sounds like a lot of water, but you’ll be surprised how quickly you can drink the water if you do it before you eat. 

The reason you can drink it easily is your body is craving the water.  Yes, you’re going to have to go to the washroom a couple times later that morning, but it will be well worth it for the energy boost and getting rid of that stiff feeling.  Hope this info helped you out, any questions shoot me an email at info@peak-personaltraining.com or I invite you to book a free consultation today.

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