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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The easy-lab free way to tell if you have a food intolerance

There are expensive tests that can be done to see if you have food intolerances, many of these are unreliable though.  The easiest way to see if you’re intolerant to a food is to completely stop eating the food for a period of time, and then introduce it back into your diet to see if you have any negative reactions.  Examples of negative reactions are numerous here are a couple: indigestion, heartburn, upset stomach, undigested food in stool, bloating, gas, mental fog, poor energy, memory problems, skin irritation, flem in the throat, blocked nasal passage, etc.
    How long should you eliminate the food from your diet? Usually most will have 60-90 days as the "gold" standard.  However, most people find it hard to wrap their heads around not eating the food they love for that long of a time period.  I have had success with helping clients identify food intolerances by having them completely eliminate the food for a period of 2-3 weeks.  Once you have eliminated the food for the 2-3 weeks re-introduce it back into your diet and see if you get any negative reactions that we discussed above.  How do you know which foods to eliminate first?  I’ll talk about this in the next blog post. 

     If you're having digestion issues or you think you might be intolerant to certain foods and don't know where to start I invite you to contact us to see how we can help.  Or if you just have any questions please feel free to shoot me an email at info@peak-personaltraining.com. 

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