Are you like most people today and you’re really confused about food? There is so much information out there it’s hard to know what exactly you should be eating. Personally I like to keep things pretty simple. I like to break food down into three categories for my clients: processed food, protein/fat food and carb foods. Pretty simple so far eh?
Carb foods are fruits, vegetables, and grains. Most people today are over consuming carbs, our society in general are “grain-aholics.” Most people are consuming too many carb foods in comparison to fat/protein foods. This leads to increase in fat storage, obesity, problems with insulin levels such as diabetes, and large energy fluctuations. You should be consuming most of your carb foods from veggies, this means you eat more veggies than grains or fruits. Veggies are very dense in minerals, vitamins and fiber. And they do not give you really steep insulin spikes. Every time you eat meals and snacks you should have a carb food and a protein/fat food. Next time I’ll go through which foods fall into the fat/protein category.
Your big take home from this post. Stop and think are you eating more veggies than fruit or grains every day? If you’re not, start slowly replacing fruits and grains with vegetables. For more great information on fat loss check out our free resource section on our website at
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