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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hormones and fat loss 101

Later this month I’m having a free teleseminar on weight loss and hormones, most people that are struggling to lose weight, or struggling to keep weight off long term don’t realize what a huge impact that hormones have on weight loss. 
There are many different hormones that effect if you’re going to lose weight or not.  Today we are going to look at what can happen if you are having an imbalance with one of your hormones, insulin.  Most people seem to think that if they don’t have diabetes they don’t have a problem with insulin.  Besides one or two rare exceptions every client that has come to see me in the last 5 years has very poor insulin control and it’s creating serious issue with their weight loss success.  Here are just a few of the side effects that an insulin imbalance can cause:
·         Excess stores fat (especially around the midsection)
·         It can block the use of fat stores in your body
·         Block signals to the brain that say you’re satisfied by interacting with leptin
·         Spike dopamine which causes reward seeking behaviour that leads to cravings for sugars
·         Poor concentration, anxiety, irritability, energy crashes
·         Water retention
·         In males causes testosterone to be converted to estrogens
·         In females causes estrogens to be converted to testosterone
Insulin has a huge impact on weight loss is a big understatement.  To learn more about how to identify if hormones are stopping you from losing weight and learn how to get on the right track for successful weight loss fast check out my free teleseminar on January 25th.  For details follow this link.

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