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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hormone and weight loss lesson #2

Today we are going to go through another hormone and how it can impact your ability to lose weight. Even if you’re eating less calories and exercising more hormones can put the brakes on your body’s ability to burn fat. 
Today we’ll talk about cortisol, it is often referred to as the stress hormone because your body releases it anytime that it is under any type of stressful condition.  Here are some of the things that too much cortisol or a cortisol imbalance can cause:
·         Increased fat storage through the stomach and midsection
·         Depress the rate of thyroid hormone production (this can cause a serious slowing of your metabolism.....which makes burning fat almost impossible)
·         Fuels desire for sugary foods
·         Depletes serotonin, which can lead to sugar cravings and depression
·         Blood sugar imbalances, which can cause shakiness, irritability, fatigue and head aches
·         Can cause you to eat more because of appetite suppression
·         It causes a breakdown of muscle tissue
·         Sleep disturbances
·         And finally can cause a decrease in the cells sensitivity to insulin, which causes increase insulin levels in the blood which signals fat storage around the midsection
If you want to learn more about how you can make sure cortisol doesn’t slow or stop you from losing weight check out my free teleseminar on January 25th at 8:00pm eastern time.  Follow this link http://www.peak-personaltraining.com/weightlossteleseminar.html for more details or send me an email at info@peak-personaltraining.com to register.

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