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Thursday, December 2, 2010

What is organic food?

I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day and somehow it came up that I buy most of my meat from local farmers who raise organic free range meat.  He didn't really know what organic meant.  I always tend to forget that although organic food is becoming more mainstream a lot of people don't really know what the differences is between organic food and conventionally food. 

Here are a few things that set organic food apart from conventionally raised food:

·  Synthetic fertilizers must not be used. Instead, organic materials such as animal and plant wastes, compost, including crop residues, are used.
·  The soil is kept fertile through the use of animal and plant waste; however, sewage sludge is strictly not allowed.
·  Synthetic pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc must not be used. Instead, natural means of pest control, for example by allowing organisms (e.g. ladybugs) which eat pests to thrive, are practiced. In fact, populations of these organisms are deliberately built up. Natural agents are also allowed, although in controlled amounts.
·  Crop rotation is practiced. This helps to preserve and even enhance the quality of the soil, and also encourages a balanced and diversified ecosystem to thrive. It also helps in weed control.
·  Cover crops are grown. Cover crops are used to restore nitrogen and organic matter into the soil.
·  Genetic engineering and modification must not be involved – much of the dangers of GMO are presently still unknown.
·  Plant produce must not be irradiated. That process damages the food and makes it harmful to us.
·  No chemical preservatives, flavourings or additives must be added to the foods.

Animals can be considered organically raised if the following conditions are met:

·  They must be fed organic food, e.g. organic grains. Commercially farmed animals are often given unhealthy junk foods, including the remains of other animals, which are sometimes diseased.
·  They must not be given artificial hormones, antibiotics, drugs, steroids, etc.
·  Genetic engineering or modification must not be involved. No playing god.
·  The meat and other animal food products must not be irradiated. As mentioned above, the process damages food and makes it harmful when consumed by humans.
·  No chemical preservatives, flavourings or additives must be added to the meat.

Remember it is very important if you do not know the farmer to buy certified organic at the grocery store.  This means that the farm has been certified, other farms can write organic without the product which actually doesn't mean much.  Most fruit, vegetables and meats that say organic are usually certified organic, but make sure to read those labels. 

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