Have you ever stopped to look at your support system you have surrounded yourself with? Most people haven’t. It can be a very important factor in accomplishing your goals. Look at the 5 people you spend the most time with (friends, coworkers, spouse, children, family). Actually think about the 5 people closest to you in your life. Are these the type of people who are supporting you and helping you move towards your goal or are they putting barriers in your way? Most people say “yes, it’s great” without actually stopping and thinking about this question. Make sure to actually stop and think about your support system.
I’ll give an example to help illustrate what I’m trying to say. I have a client who’s trying to lose weight and her partner loves eating food at the local sports bar. When she’s trying to eat healthy and suggests they make something his response often times is along the lines of “come on, let’s go have some pizza or some wings, I really want to go to the bar, let’s go.” Now compare that to another client of mine she was telling me a story the other day about how she really wanted to eat something that would be taking her a step away from her goal, and her husband’s response was lets go for a walk instead, we wanted to get outside tonight anyways. By the time she got back to the house her desire to have that food had passed.
Think about being in these two situations it would be much harder in the first scenario to stick to healthy eating habits if you have someone putting this type of influence on you all the time compared to the second scenario. When you actually look at the support system around you and the five people closet what does it look like?
If you find you have 1 or more people within your life that are not helping you head in the right direction I would strongly encourage you to have a conversation with them and talk to them about what you’re trying to accomplish, why it’s important to you to accomplish that goal and finally how much their help would mean to you. Usually the people in our support system don’t mean to be holding you back, they don’t realize what it is they’re doing and how much it means to you to reach your goal. If you’re struggling to lose weight download a free copy of “P.E.A.K. Fat Loss” a 6 month guide that walks you through step by step how to make a total transformation.
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